Sep 8, 2023Liked by a. natasha joukovsky

sorry, I just can't seem to forget. it stayed with me. like I'm this little thingamagic, tiny pillow for sewing needles, or something. And another one goes in.

"pale fire"

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Yes, I was amazed myself and could not believe I achieved that.

But it worked after reading an article -- you never know what good ideas are out there for you to experiment. with - a lot are dead ends of course, but that should not stop you from keep searching.

It is neuroscience based on understanding how parts of the brain works.

The technique is about having all the material on your desk for you to see ( not laptop with many file tabs open, as they are hidden from your sight and your imagination can't latch onto). Spread out , your note taking, assorted relevant material hand before, now just free associate connect the dots.

But first gag your internal (friendly LOL ) critic , scan all the material and say : I can use this and this, and think in scenes with a logical connections. Then Abracadabra, you will have 10 to 15 scenes in no time that are connected ;dovetailed and when expanded you will have written 5000 words in a few hours.

Rinse and repeat, I am now at the new note taking stage and gathering of new materials hence my out to lunch sign. Then I will write rapidly when I am happy with new material collection spread on my table.

This is my process now.

I bet you they don't teach that at MFA's or residencies.

Go for it NJ, a novel by Christmas.

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Hi NJ,

I agree 100%, home sweet home :)

You are back in business !

I was wondering about the sign hastily placed on your studio front door - not quite even, the right corner lower than the left, saying out for lunch. A long lunch in this heat, then afterwards maybe wandered in a Department for the welcoming refrigerated air conditioning.

I know I can't write in the heat, in fact recently I wrote 35,000 words in fifteen days - had several weeks break (blame the heat ) and said, something is not right LOL --such is life and writing.

I write in chapter 'modules, so this will not go to waste and as a word carpenter, it will fit somewhere in a newly imagined story structure . Don't you just love writing ?

I am going take inspiration from you and place a sign too.

Now, back to you, very good.

Full marks for imagination and execution.


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